
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Deep in the Black: Part 2

Two years ago I noticed a miasma. Anxiety bubbled whenever my eyes met it, a black cloud pulsing and rolling violently like tempest encompassed me. I had ignored it, but day by day, it grew. I could see an arm, and as another day passed, a leg, until there was a figure. A silhouette hovered within the bubbling nether.

It was heavy, like someone were riding on my shoulders, and made my anxiety worsen to a point at which I could rarely sleep. At night I would lie awake as the cloud loomed ominously overhead, the dark figure floating within like an abhorrent embryo. One night, I was awoken by the gnashing of teeth and an unintelligible chattering. The silhouette writhed viciously, sputtering and shaking violently as it moved. It tore at its face as the gibbering ascended to a howl, the strips of its torn skin fluttered through the air filled with the sounds of manic gibberish, falling into small piles  of dark flesh onto the floor.

As it rent flesh I could see details: two abyss colored eyes, followed by a small nose. The mumbling ceased and the night's silence flooded in to take its place. The figure, placing two fingers beneath its nose, thrust them deep within itself, and wrenched them apart, tearing skin into crooked smile overlaying small white teeth. The whites of the eyes surfaced as two pupils rolled into view circling aberrantly as the cloud contracted, slowly taking form. The black eyes looked towards me as the face twisted into a toothy scowl. A low voice emerged from within it, laced with the same dread that formed the miasma: "Worthless."

1 comment:

  1. DANK! i can really relate to this. i used to wake up in the middle of the night with "old hag syndrome" (sleep paralysis) pretty regularly. hypnagogia would set in and i'd see stuff like this or people walking past windows and doors. but the way you paint your imagery is so creepy it's really easy to get lost in. just so we're clear i mean creepy in a good way, my friend.

    thanks for sharing.
