
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Corr Adi

RIP 02/01/2016, he was the hero the rift deserved, but not the one it needed.
Corr Adi

Once again, I asked forgiveness; forgiveness for those brethren fallen. I cross myself and thank the darkness. Haunting memories of past selves swirl in a choking fume. Every death a cherished ending, a blessing of freedom from the tumult of living. Each passing a desperate appeal to Grace, To hold her with these withered arms; To feel its breeze caress burning scars and to steal away the heaving sorrows. By the hundreds, by the thousands, the din of the dying echoes. Regretful moans, silenced only by the ring of the swift blade, by brunt of the shattered axe. Once again, shall I ask forgiveness as this cold metal grasp takes hold; forgiveness for those brethren fallen. I cross myself and thank the darkness.

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